The Urban Bug Out Bag: The Gear You Need When Society Collapses

The Urban Bug Out Bag: The Gear You Need When Society Collapses

Stephanie Stephanie
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Folks used to laugh at survivalists. They mocked them as “doomsday” preppers and called them crazy. But when you look at the world’s problems today — disease, riots, war — you have to feel like the doomsday preppers got the last laugh.

If you live out in the wilderness, then you’re probably ready for anything that happens. But if you’re a city dweller like most people, then you need to take extra steps to make sure that you and your family survive no matter what happens.

That’s where the urban bug out bag comes in. This is a pack that has all the gear you will need as society starts crumbling around you. Keep this bag handy and you can be ready at a moment’s notice to kick ass and take names.

You could buy some premade kit with a bunch of gear you may or may not need. But the most useful pack will be one you stocked yourself. This article will go through all the things that the best urban survival kit will have, so you can build your own to fit your exact situation.

Bombed out buildings for urban bug out bag use

A Functional and Reliable Bag

It may seem obvious, but the first thing you need when building an urban bug out bag… is a bag. Do not skimp on this step. Your life could depend on what’s in this bag, so it has to be up to snuff.

Your bag has to be tough because it is almost certainly going to be in some harsh environments. It also has to be useful with plenty of space for storing lots of different items. Tactical bags come in all shapes and sizes, so pick one that is right for you. Some, like the LA Police Gear Tactical Bail Out Gear Bag, are built specifically for this purpose.

Dependable Lights

You never know what kind of disaster you’ll need for your urban bug out bag. But it’s likely that the electrical grid will be compromised. You’ll need to be able to maneuver in difficult terrain even after the sun goes down. And you sure as hell don’t want to be caught blind in the dark. That’s why a solid light source (or two) is a must-have. The LAPG W960 Compact LED Light is perfect for this scenario.

Tactical Clothing

When society collapses, a suit won’t cut it anymore. You and your family need clothing that is tough enough to stand up to the elements. But it also has to be comfortable because there won’t be many opportunities to wear new clothes. Luckily, we have a huge range of functional and comfortable clothing right here at LA Police Gear to put in your urban bug out bag. We also have women’s tactical clothing, so the missus is taken care of, too.

A Well-Stocked First Aid Kit

The thing about an urban survival kit is that it’s supposed to help you survive. That’s why you need to fill it with plenty of critical first aid gear. It’s not like you're going to be able to go to the hospital if you break your leg. A prebuilt first aid kit is a good start, but supplement it with specialty gear like tourniquets and trauma dressing. You’ll thank yourself later.

Knives and Other Tools

It’s going to be a DIY-heavy situation when you’re called on to use your urban bug out bag. Make sure it has the right tools you need to survive. First and foremost has to be an absolutely reliable knife. It has to be something you can use in multiple situations, from building shelter to hunting for food to defending yourself. Other tools like a hatchet for chopping wood and a shovel for digging a latrine are musts.

A Fully-Equipped Personal Defense Weapon

No serious survivalist goes out looking for a fight. But if the worst should happen and you absolutely have to defend yourself, then a firearm is going to be necessary. You probably already have a favorite weapon. Make sure the firearm in your urban bug out bag has all the shooting accessories it needs to keep you alive. Lights, sights, and extra magazines are a good place to start.

Survival Gear

A true urban survival kit has the right survival gear. This means having things like emergency blankets, cooking gear, food, and water purification tools in your urban bug out bag. Who knows what the world will look like when society collapses, but it sure won’t be pretty. Having these basic items will ensure that you are ready to survive while others are scrambling to prepare at the last minute.

Outdoor Gear

Why would an urban bug out bag need outdoor gear? Well, while this bag is designed to help city folks survive a catastrophe, in the long-run the city isn’t going to be a safe place to live. That’s where the “bug out” part of the bug out bag comes in. When you need to move outside the city limits, stock up on plenty of outdoor gear to help you survive. Tents, sleeping bags, fire starters, canteens, and more will be critical to your well-being.

Urban bug out bag survival gear

Be Smart. Stay Alive.

Maybe nothing will ever happen. Maybe the world will be fine and you’ll never have to use your urban bug out bag. You’re probably thinking to yourself right now, “isn’t this all a little extreme?”

But ask yourself this: who would you rather be? The guy who spent his money on the gear his family needed to survive and never needed it? Or the guy who never prepared and watched helplessly as the world went to hell?

An urban survival kit isn’t about hoping for the worst. It’s about preparing for the worst. If you can honestly look at the world right now and say that there’s no chance anything catastrophic will happen, then by all means, keep doing nothing. But if you want to make sure that you and yours survive no matter what happens, then you need to be prepared.

LA Police Gear is committed to making sure that everyone — from experienced survivalists to newbie outdoorsmen — can get high-quality tactical gear at a competitive price. We have everything you need to build a great urban bug out bag. We’re industry leaders in customer service, so shop LA Police Gear today.

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