4 Reasons to Always Carry a Flashlight
Bryan Lynch grew up in the Midwest and spent every waking moment outdoors. Learning how to hunt, fish, read the land and be self-reliant was part of everyday life. Eventually, he combined his passions for the outdoors, emergency preparedness, and writing. He is an expert contributor over at SurvivalCache.com, where he covers all things survival and preparedness.
People like to carry certain items on their person to help with normal daily tasks or atypical situations. Items like a pocketknife, a tactical pen, multitool, or a concealed carry firearm. All these tools are useful but there is one item that is often overlooked and underestimated in its worth.
That item is a flashlight and for the longest time, I undervalued this simple tool. However, I now carry one with me everywhere. Of course, nowadays everyone that has a smartphone also has a flashlight function, which is one reason why some people do not carry a separate flashlight .
This reminds me of people who stopped wearing watches once cellphones became widely available. I have spoken to many people who do not carry a flashlight because they have the light function on their phones.
I can understand the reasoning behind that decision as it lightens a person’s EDC ( Everyday Carry) and gives them the option of being minimal in what they carry. However, I do not consider the light function on a phone to be a flashlight, and the following are a few reasons why.
A Smartphone is not a Flashlight Replacement: Here’s Why
Focused vs Unfocused
Generally, the light from a flashlight is focused or can be focused. This allows the user to shine the beam directly at an object and to do so from a distance. Whereas a smartphone light is unfocused and dissipates quickly. A smartphone light is most effective at extremely close range.
The light function is dependent on the phone working properly. Yes, a flashlight also must work properly for it to be operated but a flashlight has only one function and that is as a flashlight.
A smartphone is a technology-based multitool of sorts and there are several reasons why the light function may not work. Maybe a person gets locked out of the phone, the screen could become damaged, or the light application simply will not open.
The last example has happened to me with one of my phones. The flash would work when I used the camera but for some unknown reason, the flashlight application ceased to open when selected.
I do not know about you, but I tend to be careful with my smartphone because it is an expensive device that can break easily. Flashlights can be expensive too, but they are built to withstand rough use, to be placed on the ground, are water-resistant, and can be used with extremely dirty hands or when wearing gloves and used in other extreme conditions that a phone is not suited for.
My Four Reasons To Always Carry A Flashlight
Now that I have gone over the differences between a flashlight and a smartphone light, I wanted to discuss four more specific reasons for why I think a flashlight should always be carried.
Emergency Lighting
I know, a flashlight providing light is obvious, but I am not talking about using it to find something under the couch or to look behind the refrigerator. I am talking about emergency lighting when your surroundings are pitch black.
Ironically, I have required a flashlight more in urban environments than I have in the outdoors and if you think about it this makes sense.
Even at night in the outdoors, there is some ambient light that allows a person to make out at a minimum, lines, and shapes. This is not the case when you are in a structure with no windows and the lights go out.
On several occasions, I have been in a building where the power has gone out and the emergency lights failed or there were none. The first time this happened I did not have a light on me, and my eyes might as well have been shut because it was absolutely pitch black.
Without light, I had to remember my surroundings as best as I could and feel my way out of the situation. Eventually, I did get without any problems but situations like that can easily go the other way. From that moment on I made sure to always have a flashlight on me.
Impact Tool
The flashlights I had as a kid were susceptible to breaking if they were dropped or misused. That is not the case with many modern flashlights and quality ones can be quite durable.
There are even some that are designed to withstand use as an impact tool and have features such as a beveled end for striking surfaces.
In the absence of a proper tool, a flashlight may be used as an impact tool to break through materials or to discourage a potential threat. I have rarely used a flashlight in this way, but it is an option when nothing else is available.
Blinding Affect
In a security situation, a flashlight with an output of several hundred focused lumens can have a blinding effect on the vision of a potential threat. It also puts the user of the flashlight in the shadows and makes it difficult to see what they are doing.
When used in this manner a flashlight creates a distraction that gives a person more time to assess the situation and to better see the intentions of someone else. By obscuring a threat’s vision, it may also give a person a head start in reaching a safer area.
There have been many times in my life where a person I did not know approached me when it was dark out. I would pull out my flashlight and shine it on them and around their face. Most of these encounters were harmless, a person asking for directions or some other question.
However, there were a few instances I am confident the individual had ulterior motives. I could tell this by how they were acting, their tone, the questions they asked, etc. Luckily, those times did not end badly, and I think that had to do with me keeping my distance from them and using a flashlight to see exactly what their hands were doing as well as keeping them somewhat blinded by the light.
Signaling Device
The two most popular and effective ways to signal for help are through auditory and visual methods. Auditory examples would be yelling for help, banging on an object, or using an emergency whistle.
Imagine being in a situation where you required help and the use of sound would not be heard or it could put you in more danger. You could be stuck in a high rise building or the middle of nowhere
A bright flashlight makes an excellent signaling device, especially in low light environments. In some conditions, a bright, focused light beam can be seen for many miles. When using a flashlight to signal others it helps to create erratic movements or to create flashing patterns with the beam.
There have been a few times when the breaker box in my home tripped when it was dark out. I would grab a flashlight, make my way to the box, and reset it. I remember one time just after I reset the breakers, I heard a loud knock on my door. It was a police officer who had been sitting in his vehicle a few blocks away. He had seen the light from the flashlight bouncing around and thought he would check it out. Even when you do not mean to, a flashlight can signal to others that something may be out of the ordinary, causing them to investigate.
Final Thought
Flashlights today are affordable, durable, and brighter than ever. It is no longer a tool that is large and cumbersome but can be lightweight and compact. A quality flashlight can be used for emergency lighting, as an impact tool, to temporarily blind a threat or provide a distraction, and to signal for help. Considering that a flashlight can easily be carried in a pocket or purse it is a tool that I think a person can and should always carry.
Thanks for reading.